My Personal Well-Being
(Adapted from pages 136-138 Money and the Law of Attraction
by Ester and Jerry Hicks from the Teachings of Abraham)
I know that my body responds to my thoughts about it and to my thoughts about everything I think about. I know that the better my thoughts feel when I think them, the more I allow my own personal well-being.
I love knowing that there is an absolute correlation between how I feel and what my chronic thoughts have been and how those thoughts felt as I thought them. I love knowing that those feelings are meant to help me to choose better-feeling thoughts, which produce better-feeling vibrations, which will also produce a better-feeling body. My body is so responsive to my thoughts, and that is such a good thing to know.
I am getting rather good at choosing my thoughts. No matter what condition I find myself in, I know I have the power to change it. My state of physical health is simply an indication of the states of my chronic thoughts, and I have control of both.
My physical body is an amazing thing in the way it began as a glob of fetal cells and became this full-blown human body. I am impressed with the stability of my body and the intelligence of the cells that make up my body, as I notice how my body accomplishes so many important functions without my conscious involvement.
I love that it is not my conscious responsibility to move the blood through my veins nor the air through my lungs. I love that my body knows how to do that and does it so well. My body is quite an amazing thing; an intelligent, flexible, durable, resilient, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching thing.
My body serves me very well. I love my exploration of life through my physical body. I enjoy my stamina and flexibility. I love living life in my body.
I am so pleased with my eyes that look out into this world, seeing near and far from where I stand, distinguishing shapes and colors with such vivid perception of depths and distances. I so enjoy my body's ability to hear, and smell and taste and feel. I love the tactile, sensual content of this planet and my life in my wonderful body.
I feel love, appreciation and fascination for my body's self-patching ability and renewed resiliency as I watch wounds cover over with new skin when traumas to my body occur.
I am so aware of my body's flexibility, dexterity in my fingers, and the immediate response that my muscle show to any task I attempt.
I love understanding that my body knows how to be well and is always moving toward wellness. I love knowing that when I stay out of the way, by letting go of negative thoughts, wellness must prevail.
I love understanding the value of my emotions. I love knowing that I have the ability to achieve and maintain physical well-being, because I have the ability to find and maintain happy thoughts.
On any day in this world, even when some things in my body may not be at their best, I am ever aware that far, far, far, far more things are functioning as they should, and that the aspects of well-being of my body are dominant.
Most of all, I love my body's quick response to my attention and intentions. I love understanding my mind-body-spirit connections and the powerful productive qualities of my deliberate alignment.
I love life in my body.
I feel such appreciation for this experience.
I feel good.
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