Love and Eternal Protection
(Adapted from the cleansing ritual on pages 29-30 in Mystic Wisdom for Richer Living, by Lori M. Poe)
O, Most High, pour Thy Light into my being, may it ever remain centered within me and NOW encircle my Body and Spirit. I know there is no good or evil in all the Universe, for all is Spirit, as I am also Spirit. I bless myself and this room and all that are present with the purifying fire of Thy Holy Light. I am now surrounded by Light, Love and eternal protection. I thank Thee!
Now I direct my attention to my heart-center and envision the Flame of my heart soaring high, its light softly flowing through me. I see it expand beyond the size of my body and see its cleansing brightness flow into my rooms and around my home, dissipating into the ethers. I hear a crackle and a pop as the atmosphere is cleansed.
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