Adapted from a poem written by Girija Sridhar at the Facebook Energy Vials and Other Healing Tools group. Thank you Girija.
From hatred and revenge emerges only bitterness,
And lost is the fragrance of LOVE, in the wilderness.
This heavy burden has so changed my countenance,
That I have ruined my child-like INNOCENCE.
Learning to FORGIVE, transcends me to another plane,
Where I FIND RELEASE from the bonds of hate and pain.
With forgiveness, all negative emotions Fade,
And from within, I glow like the precious Jade.
Forgiving is so DIVINE, no less a resurrection,
Freeing me FOREVER, from suffering and suffocation.
The healing brings the ultimate reward,
From darkness to LIGHT, like a glimpse of the Lord.
I REFLECT deeply and completely FORGIVE,
To CREATE a world where only PEACE and Harmony live.
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