(to help breathe easy, quell anxiety, fear, apprehension, to lessen Saturn effects)
Breathe the light of the universe.
Let its energy flowing through your mind, body, and spirit,
feel them connect with one another
and be the oneness union in perfect natural order...
Breathe ...LoveBreathe, Let it awaken you of Your Connection
The Divine, the source of all creation..resides in You
Ride on this wave of knowing, this pure joy, bliss & peace
clear away all the vibes of limits and worries in you..
Breathe ...Befeel the present moment,
alive and gleaming in its existence,
let past be begone and future be gliding in its own space and time,
You don't need to know all the details,
You cant handle the truth, stepping outside of You..
for the truth lives within You, in the vortex of Your Soul..
this is it..the place to be, here and now, to claim the inheritance from God
Breathe, Ease
Contemplate, the sea of infinity in You, in its mystery & magnificence.
let it sweep you over with its beauty and win over Your Heart..
sparkle from joy, slip away a gentle smile..like a morning sun,
let this infectious joy begin ride of playfulness and ease...
Breathe... Love... Be.....Ease...
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