Switchphrases for Relationships
For Conflicts:
DIVINE-TOGETHER can be a wonderful Switchpair to preface any Switchphrase involving a relationship of any sort between two (or more) people.
CONTAIN can work very well up front to stop the current sequence. Follow CONTAIN with an appropriate Switchphrase for the current situation, after a brief pause.
To end an argument or aggression: CONTAIN---CANCEL-CLEAR-CONCEDE-CONFESS.
To quell negative thoughts or feelings toward another: CONTAIN---TOGETHER-DIVINE.
Anger may be related to insecurity: CLEAR-CRYSTAL-HORSE to help release the anger and increase security with self and interpersonal relationships.
WOMB may be useful for reconnecting and feeling cuddled.
DIVINE-TOGETHER-RESTORE may be useful to help increase trust in a relationship.
TINY-SWEET-BOW to help bring about caring, kindness and dispel arrogance.
Do not forget to ELATE-WITH-LOVE. It just feels very tender and loving.
To Improve Communication:
To hear and comprehend differing points of view: LISTEN-BETWEEN-JUDGE.
To express yourself with confidence and caring: DIVINE-CRYSTAL-HORSE-ACT-SWEET.
To create harmony and love within communication: ACT-WITH-LOVE.